If you have a car accident against Allstate, then keep reading to know what you are up against, and how to increase your cahnces to win your case.
Car accident insurance companies like Allstate rarely treat injured people completely fairly. That’s true even when you are dealing with your own insurance company.
After several years of litigation, I recently took one of my client’s car accident case to the hearing and we just got the results. We ended up with a good amount of money for the client who had. a car accident against Allstate. But Allstate insurance company fought us tooth and nail every step of the way.
In our case, the car accident happened when the defendant made a left turn into my client’s car while she was driving with her two young daughters in the backseat. My client ended up with a herniated disc in her neck, a lot of therapy, and some permanent pain in her neck.
This was not terrible, debilitating pain, but it made her everyday activities harder for her to do. And with young kids in the house many of us know how an extra neck or back pain can make everyday activities something to address.
The young man driving the car had a very small insurance policy and we were able to collect that money. However, my client was insured with Allstate insurance company. They hired two separate doctors who never examined my client. These doctors looked at her medical records and said that she should have been in pain for a couple of weeks and otherwise, there was no reason for her complaints of pain from her car accident.

I think it is absolutely terrible in a car accident against Allstate for Allstate insurance company to hire two doctors to write reports calling their own insured (my client) a liar.
What else would you call what they did?
Their doctors said that my client should have sustained an injury of about four weeks from the car accident. They basically said that she was lying about her pain and problems.
But she continues to be in pain in her neck to this day. All of her doctors agree that her injuries were a result of the car accident. She was in active medical treatment for a year and a half. And she has permanent on and off nagging pain in her neck.
Allstate never offered a penny in the car accident against Allstate.
They never even wanted to discuss settlement. I guess they decided that calling their own insured a liar and trying to do character assassination on her was a better move.
Remember, this is a woman whose car and home are insured with Allstate. She sends them premiums every month for their insurance coverage. She was rewarded with insults and delay. They could have a made a fair offer in her car accident case. Instead, they forced us to try the case before an arbitration panel of three Judges.
Understand, I am not saying that Allstate broke any law or rule. Allstate is within its legal rights to fight a case as hard as they want. But it was a clear case with a very nice client, so even though we got a personal injury settlement or verdict, it was not a nice thing to do. And I am sure that Allstate thinks I should not have taken the case and that my client didn't deserve any compensation.
Going to a hearing like that can be stressful. My client was nervous and she was afraid that we would not win. But we talked for a long time and I made sure she was well prepared and was nice and calm.
I was confident and I pulled out all the stops to make sure the Arbitrators understood what was going on. The case was not easy and the facts were not perfect. It was a fight.
I am happy to say that we did recover pretty good money for her for her injuries she got in the car accident. Nothing is going to erase the ongoing problems she has with her neck. But in this car accident case, we at least one a moral victory and put some money in her pocket.
If you need to speak with a car accident lawyer, give me a call at 312-500-4500. I offer a free consultation and I am happy to answer any questions you may have.