Legally Required Disclaimer and Terms of Use

This disclaimer is required by Illinois law and the ethical laws and rules which control lawyers and how they practice law and provide information to people.  I have written it as clearly as I can, but if you have questions, you can send us an email at or call at 312-500-4500.

This disclaimer and terms of use applies to my websites, my YouTube channel, my podcast, and every other way that I provide information to people, whether it be electronic media, such as an audio or video or physical like a book or a report or a DVD or CD or even live and in person and applies to every communication and information I or my office ever provides or has provided to you or anyone in any way.

You and your injury case or situation is unique. The only way a lawyer can give legal opinions on a case is by interviewing a potential client and doing a detailed investigation into the facts and law of their situation.  The law usually requires that you formally hire a lawyer before the lawyer can give you legal advice. Hiring a lawyer requires signing written papers, and providing the lawyer personal information, which the lawyer keeps private and secret under the Attorney-Client privilege, which apllies to even consulting with a lawyer, even if the lawyer does not accept your case.

On the other hand, sometimes lawyers want to share general information with the public. This general information, which can include writing a book, making a video, recording an audio, creating a website, writing articles and also includes answering questions or responding to comments, or even in live conversations, is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied on as legal advice. It is informational only.  When I do any of these things, it doesn't mean you have hired me as your lawyer, and it does not mean I am giving legal advice.  You should not rely soley on any ifnormation I provide. If you have a case or questions, you should get a consultation with a lawyer of your choice.

The information I provide to people is primarily written from the perspective of the law as it is applied in Illinois state court. Different jurisdictions have different rules, laws, and deadlines, which may be different than Illinois law.  Please do not rely on any such information provided on my website in your case or situation. If you miss an important deadline in your case, your case could be over, which could mean that you receive no money or lose your right to file a lawsuit or claim. Other mistakes can be made in a case which can hurt the value or viability of a case or claim.  Time is of the essence. Consult with a lawyer immediately. Do not rely only on my informational materials.

The only way for you to get valid legal advice or opinions on your case is to consult with an actual lawyer. Most injury lawyers offer free consultations my office offers free consultations. You can get a free consultation by calling 312-500-4500 or by calling your lawyer of choice.

Getting a free consultation does not automatically make me your lawyer. The lawyer must agree to take the case, and you must sign papers with the lawyer and cooperate with the lawyer in prosecuting your case. Reading my book, sending me an email or watching a video or chatting on the internet does not make me your lawyer.  You have to hire me and I have to agree to represent you in a written contract for me to be your lawyer.

Nothing in the information I provide is a promise of a particular outcome in your case, and accessing my information does not make me your lawyer.

Injury cases have deadlines. If you have an injury case, you must discover and protect your deadline. If you miss your law filing deadline or other deadline, your injury case could be permanently over with no money recovery. That's why talking to an injury lawyer right away is a good idea.  If you hire a lawyer, then the lawyer can protect any and all deadlines in your case.  Accessing my information will not protect your case deadlines and does not mean I will protect your case deadlines.

Sending Scott information about your case by chat, email, text or telephone does not make him your lawyer and does not obligate Scott to act as your lawyer to protect any deadlines or otherwise act as your lawyer.  Scott only has legal duties to you once you have formally hired him and signed his paperwork and he has agreed to represent you.

The information on this website is informational only,  not legal advice.  Only a licensed, experienced attorney can give you a legal opinion about your case after a careful review of your case details.  Hiring an attorney is an important decision you should make carefully.

If you want to have a free consultation, call any lawyer of your choice.  Or call us at 312-500-4500, any time, night or day.
