
If I Hire An Injury Lawyer, Will That Lawyer The Only One Who Works On My Case?

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April 8  

Your Attorneys Don't Work All Alone

In this article, I wanted to answer the question, "If I'm involved in an injury and I hire an Injury Lawyer, will that Injury lawyer be the one who works on my case?"

A Lady Called Me

So, years ago I had an older lady—tough character, and could not get one by her boy. She was a tough person always asking really tough biting questions. But, I don't mind because I'm honest and she wanted me to to take her case and she fired her last attorney. She was unrepresented in her deadline, her statute of limitations was coming up so I spent a lot of time with her on the phone.

She really wanted me to do her case so I said  "Okay, that sounds good." And she said, "Let me ask you one last question, will you be the only one working on my case? I don't want anyone else working on my case, just you. I don't want anyone to touch my file, just you." And I said, "Well, I have an associate attorney in my office who helps me on all of my cases and that shouldn't be a problem." And she's like, "No, I don't want anyone working on my case." I was like, "Well, if that's where you feel it's going to make things harder for me. But I'm willing to do it for you, just because I actually kind of liked her. I like people who has strong characters, but

Then she said, "I only want to hear from you. I only want you to look at my file. I only want to talk to you. I only want you to write letters. I only want you to order my medical records. I don't want anyone in your office, not a paralegal not a secretary, not an assistant."

And that's when I had to draw the line. I told her there's no way I can do that without the help of secretaries, paralegals, associate attorneys, and also attorneys I co-counsel with on certain cases. There's literally no way I can do what I do if I do all the lifting myself. And so she finally relented and and said okay.

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That's Not How It Goes

I wrote this because I think a lot of people see lawyers on a billboard. Like me, I'm on the expressway, I'll see some lawyers on billboards or tv is huge and I talk to a million people who see attorneys on the internet or on tv and they call. Then they just talk to an assistant and the assistant signs up the case. They never get to hear from the attorney. They never get to talk to the attorney and they're upset about it because they thought they were going to be represented by that attorney.

They wanted to meet that attorney. They would get to talk to that attorney. They would get that attorney's advice out of the horse's mouth. Unfortunately, I think it's a growing trend in personal injury. The guy you see on tv and the guy you see on the billboard is not an attorney that you will ever have access to.

In fact a lot of those firms are not even run by the attorney who's on the billboard or on the TV screen. There's some other guy who runs the law firm who's an attorney and then there's attorneys under that attorney who actually handle the cases. And in some law firms, the day-to-day operation of the case handling of the case isn't even with an attorney. So, depending on the firm you choose to represent you it may or may not be that the attorney whose ad you responded to, actually knows about your case.

How My Law Firm Works

To me, that's important in my law firm. The way we do it is I don't assign cases out to other attorneys. Everybody works on every case. Meaning you can call and talk to anybody and get an answer, but if you need an answer from an attorney, an attorney will call you. 

If there's a problem in the case I will call you or if you really need to talk to me to feel okay about what's going on in your case, I will call you because I know what's going on the cases in my office. You probably know at other firms based on the scale that they do and I have a pretty successful law firm. I get a lot of cases and a lot of people trust me to handle their files. But I think it's like a business decision, that a lot of other law firms that I've heard of and I talk to a lot of people who aren't happy with their current lawyer because they've never actually talked to their lawyer. 

And they don't even know if there's a lawyer on their case. They don't know who's handling it and all the rest of it. But at my office, I always try to be accessible to the clients. Now obviously, our day-to-day phone calls, I can't do everything. Writing every letter can't do it ordering. And following up the medical records, I need help doing that so it depends on the firm you want and the people you decide to work with. And to whether an actual attorney is going to be on top of the file and whether it's the attorney who you actually you think you're hiring versus the one you get. I hope that clarifies things for you. It stinks to hire somebody thinking attorney x is going to be my guy and then he doesn't know you and he doesn't know anything about your case. But, sometimes that's the way it goes.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, fall down, dog bite, bar fight, work injury, nursing home abuse, or any kind of injury case, and your loved one needs advice or help please don't hesitate to contact me. You may reach me at 312 500 4500 24/7 free consultation.

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About the author - Scott D. DeSalvo

I've been helping injured people just like you for my entire 20+ year career in all kinds of injury cases, and I can probably help you, too.

You can call me 24/7/365, any time, day or night, to get a free copy of the Injury "Cheat Sheet" which gives you the Five Secrets to winning your injury case. 100% free & no obligation.

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