
Stress-Free Max Value In Injury Case

I want to talk to you about the number one secret to success for a quick stress-free max value result in your injury case. In other words, maximum money as fast as possible with as little hassle and stress for you.

It's just something that I was thinking about yesterday. Basically what it comes down to is, I get a lot of phone calls from people who get hurt at work or they're involved in a car crash or they get hurt on somebody's property or they're walking down the street minding their own business and they get bit by a dog, whatever it is. Those are the kinds of cases I handle. They call me for a free consultation, which anyone can do and which I'm happy to do. And there's a common thread that I see. The common thread is more and more people are doing one of two things.

One a lot of them are just not contacting a lawyer right away. And the other group of people just call a TV lawyer. They just see an ad on TV or they see a guy on a billboard and they just call. I want to talk to you about both of those.

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Get A Free Consultation From A Lawyer

The truth is, the number one secret to a stress-free maximum cash in your pocket as fast and as stress-free as possible, first is to get a free consultation with an actual lawyer. With an actual lawyer who knows injury law, if you're calling about injury law. In the state of Illinois, there's no requirement or it doesn't make lawyers get any special sort of certification to do injury law.

Anyone with a law license can average advertise or represent that they are an injury lawyer. So because that's the case, you call a lawyer's office and they advertise for a lot of different things, maybe they do criminal law or maybe you called the lawyer for real estate closing. That doesn't necessarily mean that they know how to handle injury cases or they're up on all of the most recent law.

I'll give you an example. If you put a gun to my head and made me do a real estate closing, I could do it. Would I catch some things that a seasoned real estate lawyer definitely would catch or would probably catch easy? Possibly. If you had questions, would you want me to answer them or would you want a seasoned real estate lawyer to answer them?

Alternatively, for example, if you're going to go to jail. I've done a couple of criminal trials way early in my career. It was when I was a young lawyer and I didn't really know what I was doing and my bosses at the time just threw me in there. I did a good job and the client were really happy and in one of them, the judge complimented me, which felt very good as a young lawyer who didn't know what he was doing. I got both of my clients off the hook on both, so that's good I guess.

An Attorney With Injury Law Expertise

But the idea is, you want an attorney with experience in injury law. And if you consult somebody even on a billboard, a lot of times what I'm seeing a pattern emerges you never get to talk to a lawyer ever at any point. I get people who started out with a billboard or a TV lawyer and they say "oh well they they told me it was a really good case", "they told me it was worth a lot of money and now two years later there's a crummy offer and if i don't want it they don't want to be my lawyer anymore" and I'm like "well what did the lawyer say?" and they're like "well we didn't talk to the lawyer, it was a secretary".

So literally these people went their whole case with never talking to a lawyer. That's what you're getting these days, a lot of law firms because they're trying to save money by not hiring lawyers and instead hiring secretaries and paralegals to do a lot of the work. There's nothing wrong with that, I rely on my secretary and paralegal quite a bit. But you know the difference is, I am actually on top of my cases.

I actually handle the cases myself and when my secretary or paralegal calls somebody, you can bet that it's because we just had a meeting about your case. So, beware of that. If a lawyer's never looking at your case, not managing your case, it would make me a little nervous to run my office that way.

Waiting To Talk To A Lawyer

Waiting to talk to a lawyer is just a bad idea. I have heard from so many people just this year who called me and said "yeah I was in a big accident" , "oh it happened two months ago and they tell me like "oh you know I'm hurt really bad, my neck has never been the same". From the scene of the crash, did you go to the doctor "no, I didn't want to go to the doctor my boyfriend picked me up or my wife picked me up". Well did you go the next day or the next day? "no I just been trying to take care of it at home but it keeps getting worse". I'm like "well did you go to your family doctor?" "no I'm in between family doctors".

So my point is, like had these folks called me closer in time? All this advice is in my other articles anyway. But had somebody contacted me earlier I would be like "you need to get into a doctor to document your injuries". There's really two reasons why you need to do it.

Document Your Injuries

First, there's no illness or disease or problem with your body that benefits from waiting to see a doctor. You're always better off knowing what the problems are. And the earlier you talk to a doctor and get checked out, the more treatment and better treatment options you usually have.

The Second reason is, of course, it really hurts your case. Imagine you're on a jury and somebody says "oh I'm hurt so bad I want to go to court and sue somebody", "oh and and by the way I was hurt so bad i didn't go to the doctor for the first two months".

I mean we're not talking about two hours two days or even two weeks. We're talking about two months from the date of the crash they claim hurt their neck to the time they first go to a doctor.

Understanding The Process

The point is, talking to a lawyer and understanding the process will help you make a stronger case. It ultimately helps you avoid the pitfalls that destroy the value of your case. At this point, I think I'm way over 100 articles explaining different details about injury law so that injured people can understand the process and not make these mistakes. But you know there's six or eight million people in the Chicago land area and not everybody can watch my video. Although I wish they would.

That's the number one trick or the number one key. I know it's self-serving, it sounds like "oh of course Desalvo wants us to call him even if we're not ready". No, I want you to call me when you're ready, and I want you to understand that you can call me or any other injury lawyer that you feel comfortable with. Almost everybody gives a free consultation. If they don't give a free consultation, my advice is to hang up the phone and talk to a lawyer who does.

With free consultation, you will avoid making mistakes. Every year this business gets more and more complicated. And every year insurance companies come up with more and more loopholes to reduce or eliminate what they have to pay you. In other words, pay you zero or pay you very little. I don't want people to fall into those kinds of traps. 

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About the author - Scott D. DeSalvo

I've been helping injured people just like you for my entire 20+ year career in all kinds of injury cases, and I can probably help you, too.

You can call me 24/7/365, any time, day or night, to get a free copy of the Injury "Cheat Sheet" which gives you the Five Secrets to winning your injury case. 100% free & no obligation.

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Call 312-500-4500. I look forward to hearing from you!

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