Oak Park, IL Car Accident Lawyer
Call Scott DeSalvo, Chicago's Injury and Accident Attorney

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Car Accident Personal Injury Law Firm in Oak Park, IL
Consult an attorney who specializes in accident injury cases if you have been injured in an automobile accident. The right attorney can put you on the road to recovery, peace of mind, and financial stability. An experienced and knowledgeable attorney will help fight for your rights after a car accident in the Oak Park, Illinois, area.
In addition to our decades of experience in all areas of injury law, we specialize in helping our clients recover from the trauma and hardship caused by motor vehicle accidents and their impacts. If we don't collect the money you're owed, you do not have to pay us a cent.
We can help you with these types of injuries/accidents:
Oak Park, IL Car Accident Lawyer

A Lawyer for Accidents in Oak Park, IL
In the wake of a car accident or any type of accident, you may have a lot of questions. Those questions will vary depending on the victim.
Do you have any recommendations for a doctor? What is the cost of going to a doctor? If I get hurt, what should I do? Will my injuries get better? How long will it take for me to get back to work? It would be best to consult a lawyer. Who would be the best to contact?
There is nothing unusual about asking questions of this nature. Many accident victims have come to me for assistance in the past. The clients receive comprehensive medical treatment following their injuries. All medical bills are paid, and we make sure that they are reimbursed for their lost wages. In most situations, the case is settled quickly and with minimal hassle.
We are able to help people who have been injured in a car accident or any other injury, no matter where they live. Very rarely do I have to see someone in person. My clients usually visit me at their home or at their favorite restaurant. Zoom and DocuSign let clients become clients without having to travel to my office. As a result, you can easily obtain information about your case and resolve it to your advantage if that is your intention.
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Injury Statistics for Oak Park, IL Car Accidents
After a car accident, neck and back injuries are the most common. Rear-end and side impact collisions are most likely to cause these injuries. If you move violently backwards or forwards or side to side, you will experience them. You are far more likely to suffer a new injury in an Oak Park, IL car accident if you are over the age of 35 or if you have a health history that includes back injuries or neck injuries.
Neck or back injuries are similar in that they begin the same way, whether they are short-term muscle strains or longer-term and more severe injuries. It is crucial to see a doctor as soon as possible no matter what kind of injury you have, whether minor or serious.
You should choose a doctor who understands car accident injury claims when choosing a doctor after a car accident. As a result, your doctor will record all of the relevant information in your medical records that an insurance company will require to proceed with a claim. And, you want a Doctor who is honest and communicates well with you. You do not want a doctor who doesn't spend time with you, doesn't explain the injuries or the treatment protocol. You want a doctor who communicates with you and your attorney so that the three of us can cooperate to make your case a success.
Read what our clients think about us
Hiring Scott was one of the best moves I have made in my life. Scott is a down to earth person and attorney. Scott is a 5 star first class act who really knows his stuff. The Judge said his presentation was one of if not the best he had ever seen. Take my advice, hire Scott I’m sure you’ll be 200% satisfied I was.
Richard Lange
Cab Driver, Fall Down

Scott not only cares about the case, but he truly cares about his clients and that makes him the best lawyer I have ever met and hired!
He won my case! He is thorough in everything he does. I highly recommend Scott, and will always refer him to family and friends.
Geannine Rowe
Hair Stylist, Car Crash

I hired Scott DeSalvo upon a friend’s recommendation. His office kept me informed of developments as they happened, and I felt the settlement reached was fair considering my injuries. I would highly recommend Scott DeSalvo to represent your personal injury case.
Lisa Hibbard
Car Versus Pedestrian

Would You Mind Telling Me How Long a Car Accident Takes to Resolve in Oak Park, IL?
I am almost always asked this question by accident victims. However, there are several factors to consider. The process may take years.
Until you see a doctor, we will begin to deal with your case. As long as you cannot fully heal, this will have to be done. It should be painless after some time. As a result of permanent injuries, one can suffer both permanent disabilities and chronic pain.
In retrospect, it makes sense. If you've been injured in a car accident, we won't settle your case until we know exactly how it happened. Surgery can be scheduled if you require it. It is important for clients who require surgery to wait until they are fully recovered from the procedure. Sometimes, patients need additional surgery after the procedure. Some issues cannot be solved with just one procedure. Sometimes, a successful surgery can result in permanent damage.
It is much more valuable to receive a permanent injury than a temporary one. Seek medical care prior to signing any settlement papers.
It is therefore impossible to predict a case's outcome. The staff at our company is completely trained and aware of the importance of getting your money as soon as possible. The vast majority of cases settle within a year. I compare that to other accident lawyers. We offer excellent service as quickly as possible.

Even if you are not ready to talk to a lawyer, I have created a FREE INJURY "CHEAT SHEET" for you for free and no obligtion. The Injury "Cheat Sheet" is easy to read, only 4 pages long, but explains your rights!
What is My Oak Park, IL Car Accident Worth?
The seriousness and permanence of your injuries and how much medical care you get directly impact the value of your car accident injury case. Basically, the more serious and permanent your injuries and the more medical care you get, the more valuable the case is. If your injuries only lasted a short amount of time and you got little medical care, your case probably has a lower value.
That shouldn't discourage you. Getting medical care and legal representation right after a car accident is the smartest thing you can do. That's because at the beginning of a case you don't know how serious your injuries are going to be or how long they might last. I've represented hundreds of people who waited to talk to a doctor or lawyer and it ultimately hurt their case. They didn't think they were hurt that bad or they thought that their neck or back pain or their shoulder or knee pain would just go away over time so they didn't want to go through the bother of seeing a doctor. That's a huge mistake. It's also a mistake to avoid talking to a lawyer.
Many insurance companies who represent auto insurance who represent people who cause injuries in a car accident hire lawyers and claims adjusters to trick injured people into saying or doing things that hurt the value of their case. Occasionally, I will run into a person who has even signed away all of their rights without knowing it. This is terrible.
I offer a free consultation for people so that they will know their rights and know whether they have a strong case or a case with some challenges.
Based on my over 20 years of experience helping people in Oak Park, IL car accidents, here's what I can tell you:
A very small case will also often settle for four or five figures. A middle-of-the-road car accident case can settle for high five figures or lower six figures. A very serious car accident case can settle for mid to high six figures or even seven or eight figures depending on how much insurance there is and how serious the injuries are.
I hope you can see that early on in a case you will not know how big the case is. It will take some time for the doctors to tell us how serious your injuries are and for us to know whether you are recovering or whether you are likely to have permanent problems. However, it's a good idea to get a lawyer right away so that they can position your case for maximum value and maximum strength right from the beginning. Failing to hire a lawyer or at least consult with a lawyer is one of the worst things you can do if you're in a situation of a car accident in Oak Park, IL.
Please don't fall for insurance company tricks. Call us right away for a free consultation at 312-500-4500.