
Motorcycle Crash Injuries? Here’s What To Do If You Hurt On A Motorcycle.

Motorcycle Accident

June 2  

Motorcycle Crash Injuries? If you got hurt in a motorcycle accident, then there's what you need to know.

Motorcycle riding is very popular in the Spring and Summer months here in Chicago. A growing number of enthusiasts ride their bikes to relax and forget their worries for at least a short period.

However, many motorcycle lovers are not fully aware of the possible dangers riding a motorcycle may bring to them. According to statistics, thousands of individuals are being involved in motorcycle accidents every year which involve motorcycle crash injuries.

This is despite the continuous efforts of the government and other concerned groups to warn the people and convince them to follow safety measures and avoid tragic accidents. Often, the accident has nothing to do with the rider’s skill or ability, but the negligent actions of the other driver.

The Dangers of Motorcycle Riding and How To Hire the Right Lawyer

Considering the characteristics of a motorcycle, one may easily predict what will happen after its collision with a much larger and heavier vehicle like a car or even a truck. Unlike other vehicles, motorcycles do not have metal cases to protect its passengers. Further, safety belts are not applicable in motorcycles. 

This explains why those who were victims of these accidents have sustained serious injuries or even died. A minor fender bender in a car accident can haver serious injury consequences on a motorcycle.

Because you are not protected the way you would be in a car, the motorcyclecrash injuries that can result in a motorcycle accident tend to be severe.  This is true even if you are not a daredevil, weaving in and out of traffic at high speed, which seems to be the impression that non-riders have of us folks who do ride motorcycles.  

It is an unfair characterization, but who promised that life is fair?

motorcycle crash injuries

The bias in Court continues, as Juries are often very willing to blame a motorcyclist for a motorcycle accident that was not his or her fault.  That’s why having a lawyer who understand not only riding, but also, what evidence to present to overcome some of the biases people have, is pretty important.  Injury lawyers offer a free consultations, so why not make a call?

Another consequence of a crash is the time you can lose from work, and depending on your situation, some people even lose their jobs altogether or can never return to gainsul employment due to their injuries.

While it is true that these things can result in minor motorcycle crash injuries, the truth is, they usually result in major consequences for the injured rider.  It does not make sense to go it alone and hope that everything works out okay.  Sometimes, that’s a strategy that works out okay, but here, it is not the right move.

Motorcycle Lane Splitting

There is a lot of debate about motorcycles travelling in the space between cars, called ‘lane splitting’.  This is actually legal in most of Europe but illegal in most of the United States, including Illinois.

I was shocked to find this out, but lane splitting actually makes the rider safer. I always have visions of someone opeing up a car door on a busy road and creaming a cyclist.  But it turns out that lane splitting gives morotcyclists more room to maneuver to avoid a crash, and can remove them from the chance of being fatally struck from behind in stopped traffic.

Lawyer Representation in a Motorcycle Injury Case

Victims of motorcycle accidents have the same rights to recover damages against the negligent individuals as anyone injured in any other kind of motor vehicle accident. Yet, because of the intricate process of litigation and the anti-motorcycle bias that many have, they certainly need the assistance of a motorcycle accident lawyer.

Depending on the circumstances of the crash, a competent legal counsel will try to address all the problems that the victims may encounter. They will do their best to make the pursuance of a lawsuit stress-free for their clients. This is by taking charge in all of the important tasks in a case litigation.

What Does It Cost?  How Long Does It Take?

The two most common questions in injury cases…but they are reasonable and important.

We charge no fee at all until we win, and consultations are free and no obligation.

That means you can get your questions answered and get representation through trial, if it has to go to trial, and not pull so much as a dime out of your pocket.

As to how long it takes…we have to wait until you recover from your injuries or atleast stabilize so we know how much to ask for, but we can easily settle a case within a few months of that date.  If they do not want to settle and we have to take it to Court, it can take years.  

That’s the slow wheels of justice turning. But we do everything  I can to move the case along.

Settlements vs. Litigation

As in all injury cases, some cases are settled and others must be put in suit (a lawsuit is filed). These days, fewer cases are settled that once was the case, and a injury lawyer’s ability, skill, and strategy may make a big difference in whether there is an offer initially or whether a case must be filed with the Court. Ultimately, however, it is the insurance company pulling the strings.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, you should immediately get the information you need to know to protect your rights.  You can submit your case info to my office online by clicking here.

Or just call the office any time, day or night.  Here's why:

  • Free consult
  • No fee until we win
  • All questions answered
  • Only hire me if you want, no pressure.
  • Call any day, any time.

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About the author - Scott D. DeSalvo

I've been helping injured people just like you for my entire 20+ year career in all kinds of injury cases, and I can probably help you, too.

You can call me 24/7/365, any time, day or night, to get a free copy of the Injury "Cheat Sheet" which gives you the Five Secrets to winning your injury case. 100% free & no obligation.

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Call 312-500-4500. I look forward to hearing from you!

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