
Dangerous Construction Injuries

work injury

May 21  

Dangerous Construction Injuries

Injuries due to dangerous construction are some of the most serious injuries I see. That’s because construction involves heavy equipment, deep holes, dense construction materials, and great heights.

There are usually two kinds of dangerous construction cases that I handle. Those two kinds of cases are: (1) injured construction workers who are hurt on the job either by a dangerous condition or by negligent conduct by a co-worker or other contractor on the job site; or (2) ordinary citizens not involved in the construction who encounter a dangerous condition with little or no warning.

In the first kind of case, you have potentially to claims. You have a workers compensation claim against your employer any time you are injured on the job. This includes construction jobs where your hurt due to dangerous construction. And you also can sue whoever is responsible on the worksite for safety or for creating or maintaining the danger. That often means suing the other contractors on the worksite. That means you have to cases for one accident. This is very common.

A skilled personal injury lawyer who handles dangerous construction cases can position both the worker’s compensation case as well as the third-party construction case for the maximum value and the most money in your pocket. This often involves settling the worker’s comp case first and negotiating with the worker’s comp carrier. This is a good kind of case to have because both workers compensation and construction cases are the types of cases where laws were passed to protect the injured worker. That doesn’t mean they’re easy. It just means that if you hire a good lawyer with experience in cases like this you have a good chance of winning the case and making sure all of your medical is taken care of and getting a fair sum of money for your injuries.

The other kind of case involving dangerous construction that I handle involves private citizens and normal people who come across a dangerous construction situation. For example, if someone is working on the sidewalk and they dig a hole in the sidewalk and don’t warn of the hole on the sidewalk or do not cover up the hole, that can result in serious injuries.  Or you could be walking past the construction site and a crane could drop construction material or demolish the building could result in a piece of concrete flying and hitting you. Usually, construction companies are pretty careful about not hurting people but when they make a mistake, the stakes are high. Making mistakes here could kill someone or cripple them.

In cases like this, you can usually sue the owner of the property and all the companies or people involved in doing the repair. You’re not allowed to run a dangerous construction site, and no one is allowed to needlessly endanger the public doing a routine repair. But it does happen. Hiring a lawyer who knows what they’re doing in these kinds of cases is the smartest thing you can do. Too often, people figure those big companies will treat them fairly. But all of these kinds of injury claims are handled by insurance companies. Insurance companies just don’t care. All they care about is money, not you, and not ruining your life.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to dangerous construction, call me right away. You don’t have to hire me but I have a book and some personal advice for you that I offer free so that you’ll know what to do.


“Hiring Scott was one of the best moves I have made in my life.   Scott is a down to earth person and attorney.  Scott is a 5 star first class act who really knows his stuff.   The Judge said his presentation was one of if not the best he had ever seen.   Take my advice, hire Scott. I’m sure you’ll be 200% satisfied.  I was.”

Richard Lange

Cab Driver, Fall Down                  

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About the author - Scott D. DeSalvo

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