When you think of hiring a dog bite lawyer, you probably imagine having to sue a dog owner over serious injuries you suffered, long court battles, and similar issues. That is one situation where you would want to hire a dog bite lawyer, but there’s also one you probably haven’t thought about.
You need one when you file your insurance claim.
If that sounds new to you, we’re going to go over why it’s so important and 5 benefits that you’ll enjoy by hiring a dog bite lawyer to file your claim.
Let’s get started.
Why Hire a Dog Bite Lawyer for Filing a Claim?
Not many people know this, but lawyers don’t just work in the courtroom when you hire them for personal injury cases and other situations. They actually provide a wide range of services from helping you seek the right medical care to organizing your documentation and accessing hard-to-get documents you need, and yes, dealing with your insurance company.
Insurance companies aren’t known for trying to help their customers even after years of paying premiums without making a claim, and oftentimes, it’s best to let a lawyer handle them.
Here are 5 benefits that will explain a lot.
1. They Push the Claim Through
One of the tactics insurance companies like to use to avoid payment or find a way to pay the least amount possible is to delay it as much as possible. This gives them time, makes it more likely that you’ll miss important deadlines, etc.
That’s not only an issue because of what the goal is. It’s also an issue because it means you’re going without compensation the entire time you’re dealing with the insurance company. Whether you have expensive medical bills, lost wages, or other issues, that can be a major financial strain, and it makes a bad situation far worse.
A dog bite lawyer knows how to work with the insurance company and prevent them from delaying your claim process, and they can do it in a way that you simply can’t.
2. They Get You What Your Claim is Worth
One of the key ways insurance companies stay profitable is by getting you to pay your premiums, and then when you need the service you’ve paid for, they find ways to minimize your payment as much as possible. For them, that’s a profit on your policy. For you, it’s a financial struggle while you’re left with a subpar payment that doesn’t cover what it should.
A lawyer can easily go through your policy, analyze the dog bite situation, and determine exactly how much you’re owed. Then, they’ll help you fight for it.
This can mean the difference between getting a paycheck that secures you financially and protects you as it should and still being in debt and stressed out despite paying for good insurance.
3. Help Organizing Your Documentation for the Claim
This benefit actually doesn’t have much to do with the insurance company. You are required to have a variety of documents regarding the incident, your injuries, policy information, etc.
It’s difficult for the average person to find tons of documents, even if they’re organized well. On top of that stress, you might not even be able to access some types of documents easily.
That can be a big problem. Without that documentation, you won’t be able to complete your claim or provide it when asked by the insurance company, and if you take too long, you might even miss the deadline to file a claim entirely.
A lawyer knows exactly what documents you’ll need for the entire process. Instead of going step-by-step with what you’re told to get, the lawyer can keep you ahead of the curve. This greatly reduces stress. In the event it’s difficult for you to access a document you need, a lawyer can help with that, too. They’ve been through these situations countless times, and they know how to navigate the system properly.
4. Appeal Denials Effectively
Sometimes, a claim might be denied for a reason that actually isn’t okay. There are legal reasons that a denial might not be acceptable; the policy itself might mean that the denial is uncalled for, or there might be another reason that you need to fight the denial rather than simply accept it.
You likely can’t fight a denial effectively on your own. You have to remember that insurance companies handle these situations every day, and they have a tremendous number of resources that you simply don’t have. Even if you’re well-versed in how the insurance world works, they can likely get their way in a back-and-forth argument.
A lawyer takes things beyond just a good understanding of insurance. They can leverage the legal field in a way that reminds the insurance company they are not able to do some things. This is powerful. While insurance companies might be more experienced than you, they know they can’t compete with the law.
5. Navigate the Pitfalls of Insurance Claims
It’s not always the insurance company trying to use a strategy that gets in the way of your claim. The insurance world, and the various industries attached to the situation, are all a complex web that’s difficult to navigate, and you can stumble upon genuine issues that are no one’s fault.
Now, because you likely don’t deal with insurance claims very often in your life, navigating all of that can be a major problem. A dog bite lawyer with experience has done it hundreds or even thousands of times, and they’re professionally trained to do it.
A lawyer is more than just a professional who fights cases in the courtroom. They’re a reliable partner for some of the most complicated and irritating processes you can go through.
Call a Dog Bite Lawyer Who Puts You First: Scott D. DeSalvo
Dealing with a dog bite injury is more than just about medical bills. It’s about getting the compensation you deserve without the insurance company giving you the runaround. Scott D. DeSalvo has helped countless dog bite victims in Chicago get fair settlements, covering medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. He knows how to deal with insurance companies, so you don’t have to. If you’ve been bitten, don’t wait. Contact DeSalvo Law today!