4 Signs your Loved One is Victim to Nursing Home Neglect

Lawyers for nursing home neglect in Chicago are familiar with the signs of nursing home neglect. You may not be though. You might also not know that it’s common for neglect to go unreported.
CNN reported that in Illinois there were 386 allegations of sexual abuse recorded since 2013. 386 is a low number considering the number of complaints lodged. Obviously, negligence is different than abuse, but poor handling of negligence and abuse is widespread in nursing homes.
This failure in reporting is usually either because the victims are not taken seriously or the victims fear retribution.
This means that it’s up to you, as a concerned family member, friend, or representative, to recognize the warning signs of neglect.
The Administration on Aging has a list of possible warning signs. They indicate that not every item on the list necessarily means there’s been abuse. But these signs do merit further investigation.
- Visible injuries: bruises, broken bones, and burns may indicate neglect.
- A deteriorated mental state: the victim may become more withdrawn or depressed.
- Signs of improper care: bed sores, bad hygiene, and excessive weight loss.
- Strained relationships: frequent disagreements between caregiver and victim.
These are telltale signs of neglect, but the list is not meant to be comprehensive. The first thing to do if you notice any of these signs is to let someone at the care facility know. You should also contact a nursing home neglect in Chicago lawyer to discuss the legal options available to you.
Not that it’s acceptable, but many times staff may not realize what’s happening.
If you’re not satisfied after addressing the problem with staff, you should contact a lawyer for nursing home neglect in Chicago. You should let them know what warning signs you’ve seen.
It can be hard to tell if there’s been criminal negligence or if what you’re seeing would be considered poor care.
There are lawyers who specialize in nursing home neglect cases. They’ve seen it all and can advise you on how to move forward based on your suspicions. The Law Office of Scott D. DeSalvo, among other legal services, provides lawyers for nursing home neglect in Chicago.
To learn more about our legal services in general, or our nursing home neglect practice, visit us on the web. You can also give us a call to schedule a time to discuss your case with a legal professional today!
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