Car accidents are stressful, costly, situations even when no one gets seriously hurt. You have to worry about whether the other person is going to complicate things, determining fault, getting insurance and police involved, and everything else.
Unfortunately, you can’t afford to get overwhelmed and go with the flow in most situations. You need a car accident lawyer a lot of the time.
If you’ve been in an accident, or you simply want to be more prepared in case you ever are, here are 7 situations you need to hire a car accident lawyer for.
1. You are Being Blamed
First, if you’re being blamed, you need to call a lawyer immediately. It doesn’t matter if the other driver gets out of their car and starts blaming you or if the police who respond to the accident claim you’re at fault. If you are potentially getting blamed for the accident, you need a lawyer.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to prove that you are innocent, and you can end up liable for all the damage, superfluous claims, and everything else by not getting a lawyer involved right away.
A good tip is to not even try to debate your innocence; say only what you’re legally required to for the police report to share insurance information, and call your lawyer. They’ll get to work preventing you from being pinned with all the blame.
2. You Have Been Seriously Injured
If you’ve been seriously injured in the accident, you can’t afford to get a lawyer involved. Even if the other individual seems remorseful, their attitude will likely change when they see the type of financial liability they’re responsible for, and they will fight to protect their finances, too.
Not only that, but you’re going to have a lot of medical bills, lost wages, and other financial issues that you deserve compensation for. A lawyer can help you get that.
3. Your Child Has Been Injured
It’s crucial to call a lawyer when you’re hurt, but when your child is hurt, there is absolutely no other choice. A lawyer will do everything possible to help push insurance claims through in time, help you find medical resources, and of course, ensure the other party pays what they owe for the part they played in the injury.
With you, it’s possible to be sympathetic and avoid legal action if possible, but when your child is involved, the gloves have to come off, and everything possible must be done to ensure that your child is taken care of. A lawyer also offers much more than just helping with lawsuits, as you see with that brief list.
4. A Commercial Vehicle is Involved in the Accident
If a commercial vehicle such as a semi, a plumber’s truck, or other vehicle used for a business is involved, immediately call a lawyer and only divulge the information you’re legally required to at the scene.
Unfortunately, a commercial entity is going to look after itself. They will get a lawyer involved, and they will do everything possible to avoid paying you. Remember, this is a business. They are worried about profits. They are also responsible for the drivers they put on the road in their employment.
That’s also what makes this a little difficult sometimes. The driver might be very reasonable, understanding, and even someone you can sympathize with, but at the end of the day, the driver’s boss is going to be the one you’re dealing with in court.
Furthermore, the company can afford high-quality legal teams. You need your own lawyer to take them on.
5. The Government is Involved
If you thought having to deal with a company could be difficult, the government is the next level. Any time you take legal action against the government, you need a lawyer to ensure that you stand a chance at succeeding.
Think about it. The government isn’t exactly known for wanting to take care of the little guy and do what’s right when it makes a mistake. If you get into a wreck with a government vehicle, they’re likely to try to pin all the blame on you, avoid responsibility, and try to get away with it.
A car accident lawyer can properly navigate that situation and ensure you can get justice.
6. The Insurance Adjuster Doesn’t Want You to Get a Lawyer
If you call your insurance company, and they tell you not to get a lawyer, you need a lawyer.
The insurance company isn’t known for wanting to help its policyholders when they need it. They find ways to delay payments, deny claims, and everything else while still taking monthly payments for the service.
If they tell you that you do not need a lawyer, it is likely because they are trying to make it easier to avoid giving you what you deserve.
A car accident lawyer doesn’t just go to the courtroom in the event you need to sue. They handle the insurance company, too. In fact, they’re good at it, and they’ll be able to prevent all those well-known pitfalls of insurance claims or combat them if necessary.
This ensures that the insurance company holds up to its end of the bargain and provides you with the financial protection you’ve paid premiums for, and that they do it in a timely manner.
7. You’re Running Out of Time
You actually don’t have forever to file a claim after a car accident. The insurance companies have limits in place, and if you miss that deadline, you won’t be compensated by the insurance company.
If you have to take the other party to court, you have a deadline for filing that, too.
Unfortunately, the deadline for both of those things varies depending on the state and your insurance company. So, you’ll want to determine how much time you have as soon as possible.
If you get close to that deadline, contact a lawyer.
Get a Car Accident Lawyer You Can Trust: Scott D. DeSalvo Will Fight for You
After a car accident, the lawyer you choose can make all the difference. Scott D. DeSalvo has built a reputation as one of Chicago’s top car accident lawyers, helping injured victims recover the compensation they deserve.
Whether you’re dealing with medical bills, lost wages, or an insurance company that won’t play fair, DeSalvo Law is here to fight for you. With years of experience handling personal injury claims, Scott D. DeSalvo knows how to get results. Contact DeSalvo Law today!